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Posts tagged "skin type"

Tag Archives: skin type

Which fake tan is right for your skin type?

Which one are you?   OK before we take a deep dive into everything fake tan fabulous, we thought it worth mentioning – in our minds fake tan means spray tanning too….   When we choose a foundation we know it’s really not a level playing field. There’s a lot to take into consideration. The … Continue reading Which fake tan is right for your skin type?

How to avoid a #faketanfail

How to avoid a #FAKETANFAIL.

You’re welcome.

Okay, so we all know that fake tanning is almost an art form and takes some serious time and commitment. 95% of the time people seem to be pulling it off BUT we are only human and let’s face it, having at least one #faketanfail is pretty standard these days. So let’s avoid the orang-utan and bring sexy back (but maybe not like this…)


For those who have been blessed with olive or dark skin tone, you will never understand the life of a pale girl.

We are serious, the struggle is real.


All to avoid this reaction as the sun reflects of our white skin and blinds the eyes of onlookers…


So we go to great lengths, but sometimes they don’t always pay off…


That’s where we come in. It’s all about the Tan Plan. So let’s get you ready for a great outcome.


Prepare your canvas. Shower, shave/waxexfoliate and remember NO deodorant or creams before you tan.




Pick your poison wisely. Are you a fan of the spray tan or a DIY job at home with a moussespray or cream?
Make sure you get one that works with your skin tone and application ability.
Sometimes it’s all too hard to apply, or just too damn orange.




Fake tanning is hard enough, but dealing with the day after just adds to the hassle. Even Katy Perry is a victim….


Make this super unglamorous process as painless as possible and ensure you are equipped for the aftermath with Bamboo Collection. With Bamboo Pillow and Sheet Protectors, the perfect fake tan finish is just around the corner. Your bedding no longer needs to wear as much tan as you with this super luxe and affordable After Tan Co Bamboo Collection.

Trust us, we’re all over it.

Tan responsibly your things will thank you.

Let’s get social!



Bamboo. The Basics.

Bamboo. Bamboo cotton. Bamboo rayon (viscose). Bamboo lyocell. Bamboo linen. As you might be able to tell, navigating the world of bamboo fabric can be tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve done all the hard work for you.


After what seemed like an eternity of research, we at After Tan Co decided to move away from traditional fabrics for our collection and gear ourselves toward that of bamboo. The reason for this was that we wanted to create a complete collection that catered for every single part of your tan plan in the most comfortable, practical and fashionable possible. Bamboo has helped us achieve this and here’s why.


Our products are made with a custom blend of bamboo and cotton. The bamboo keeps the fabric soft and light, whilst the cotton provides strength and durability. Our thinking was that durable and silky smooth clothing and bedding was a no brainer!


So here’s your crash course in the gorgeous and luxurious fabric that is bamboo.


There are currently four varieties of bamboo fabric on the market.


ONE: 100% Bamboo Rayon (Viscose)

Currently, the majority of bamboo sheets on the market are made of this. Some characteristics of this fabric are its silky smooth texture, its high absorbency and its non-resistance to wrinkling – so you’ll need to make sure you keep that iron handy! Also, a word of warning, there are so many different processes for creating this form of fabric, with some coming nowhere near to being considered eco-friendly. Ensure that you buy from manufacturers with strict ethical and eco-conscious policies and procedures. Often, serious environmental damage results from the improper disposal of chemical waste that is produced throughout the manufacturing process. We didn’t want to take the risk here.


TWO: 100% Bamboo Lyocell

This fabric certainly ranks higher than 100% Bamboo Rayon in terms of its eco-friendly production methods and its strength. It has all the properties of bamboo that we love, such as the ability to regulate body temperature, prevent growth of bacteria, protect the skin from irritation and maintain water balance. But we felt this preparation of bamboo fabric provided an absorbency rate that was a little too high – we’d rather keep the fake tan on you rather than absorbed into your sheets!


THREE: Bamboo blend with cotton         

This is where we feel you get the best of both worlds. You get the strength and durability from the cotton and then the wonderful antimicrobial and silky smooth properties that bamboo brings to the table. Yes a bamboo cotton blend won’t be exactly as silky as the aforementioned bamboo materials, but it gets pretty darn close we can tell you that! We have ensured that our manufactures are eco-friendly and treat this beautiful plant and the resulting product with upmost respect. Bamboo is not only wonderful for us as a fabric; holding the title as the world’s fastest growing grass it is also extremely beneficial for the environment by way of absorbing greenhouse gasses, producing very little waste and doesn’t require fertilizer, pesticides, or herbicides.

Product page - pillow image 1

FOUR: Bamboo linen

As for this final preparation of bamboo fabric, bamboo linen just didn’t stack up for us. Although sustainable, it is not very soft and wrinkles very easily. We have found that you need to spend a lot of time dedicated to keeping your bamboo linen at its best. It requires CONTINOUS ironing after washing and this is something we didn’t want to have to burden you with!


So what are you waiting for – check out our collection today, you won’t regret it.


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